Best WooCommerce Quick View Plugin
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If you want to add quick view functionality to your WooCommerce store, you’ll need a WooCommerce quick view plugin.

In this post, I went hands-on with four popular options to help you pick the best plugin for your store. 🔌

But before I dig into that hands-on comparison, let’s quickly run through ecommerce quick view best practices, because there’s a right and a wrong way to implement this functionality, and you’ll want to pick a plugin that does things the right away.

Make sure your WooCommerce quick view plugin follows best practices

Quick view is a popular ecommerce feature used by about half of the top-50 US ecommerce sites, according to Baymard.

However, while quick view is a feature that you see a lot, there’s a right way and a wrong way to implement it, and you’ll want to pay special attention to make sure you implement it in the best way possible at your ecommerce store.

So what is the “best way possible”? Using screen recordings of real shoppers, ForeSee studied this issue – let’s look at the data.

What you should not do is open the quick view automatically when someone hovers over a product. When implemented this way, only 8.1% of shoppers interacted with quick view.

Instead, you should add a persistent button that opens the quick view. That is, an actual “Quick View” button that shoppers can click to open the quick view.

When done this way, 44.8% of shoppers used the quick view feature, which is a big improvement.

So – whenever possible, pick a WooCommerce quick view plugin that lets you add a persistent button – I made sure that all the plugins on this list 👇 use that approach.

  1. Sparks for WooCommerce
  2. WooCommerce Quick View Pro
  3. YITH WooCommerce Quick View
  4. Quick View WooCommerce

1. Sparks for WooCommerce

Sparks - WooCommerce quick view plugin

Sparks is a plugin that adds multiple functionalities to your WooCommerce website. One of them is the quick view feature that’s very easy to implement. Sparks is a premium plugin, and the advantage of purchasing it is that you get more options to improve your online shop than just the quick view.

The quick view functionality is basic and doesn’t require any customization. In fact, all you can customize about it is the button position. To use the quick view in Sparks, you just need to activate the module and configure the position of the button. Then, you’re all set.

Key features ⚙️

  • Change the quick view button position
  • The quick view opens in a minimalist lightbox
  • It requires just a few clicks to enable the quick view module
  • Comes with many other WooCommerce features like comparison tables, wishlists, advanced product reviews, announcement bars, custom Thank You pages, and variation swatches

An example of the quick view functionality from my test site 👈

Sparks quick view functionality

Price and details 💳

Sparks is offered in three tiers, but all of them provide you with the same exact WooCommerce functionalities – including the quick view feature. The price difference between the three plans comes down to the number of sites that each individual plan supports.

For one site, you’ll need to invest $49 per year. For three sites, the price is $99 per year. Finally, if you’re running a large operation, you can opt for the $199 per year plan, which will give you support for a whopping 50 sites! All plans also come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

2. WooCommerce Quick View Pro

WooCommerce quick view pro

WooCommerce Quick View Pro is a premium WooCommerce quick view plugin that follows the UX best practices above by letting shoppers open the quick view by clicking:

  • A persistent button
  • On the product image

You can choose your preferred method, or use both.

The quick view then pops up in a persistent responsive lightbox which lets shoppers view larger images and choose quantities, variations, etc. If they decide to add the product to their cart, you can automatically close the quick view box to keep them browsing your catalog.

Key features ⚙️

  • Two methods to open lightbox – persistent button or clicking the product image (or both)
  • Customizable button text to open the quick view
  • Three layout options – image only, product details only, or both
  • Option to choose exactly which product details to include
  • Supports all WooCommerce product types
  • Works with third-party WooCommerce plugins like WooCommerce Add-ons, Bundles, Subscriptions, etc.
  • Integrates with the WooCommerce Product Table plugin from the same developer
WooCommerce Quick View Pro settings

An example of the quick view functionality from my test site 👈

WooCommerce Quick View Pro example

Price and details 💳

WooCommerce Quick View Pro is a premium plugin – prices start at $79 for use on a single site and go up to $279 for use on up to 20 sites. All plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee, as well.

3. YITH WooCommerce Quick View

The YITH WooCommerce Quick View plugin is a popular freemium option that’s available at, as well as in a premium version with more functionality.

Like WooCommerce Quick View Pro, YITH WooCommerce Quick View lets you use a persistent button that gives shoppers the option to open a similarly persistent quick view lightbox.

The free version is pretty basic, with no options to customize what shows up in the quick view. However, the premium version gives you more control over the individual elements in the lightbox.

Key features ⚙️

  • Uses a persistent button to open quick view
  • Option to disable quick view for mobile visitors
  • Automatically close quick view if shopper adds the item to their cart
  • Add product navigation to quick view box (paid)
  • Choose what product information to display (paid)
  • Customize product image display (paid)
YITH WooCommerce Quick View settings

These are the only settings in the free version.

An example of the quick view functionality from my test site 👈

Notice how, unlike WooCommerce Quick View Pro, there’s no product image gallery:

YITH WooCommerce Quick View example

Price and details 💳

The free version of YITH WooCommerce Quick View is available at If you’d like access to the premium features, the paid version starts at $59.99 for use on a single site and ranges up to $249.99 for use on up to 30 sites.

4. Quick View WooCommerce

Quick View WooCommerce is one more freemium WooCommerce quick view plugin. This one gives you a lot more settings in the free version than the previous two options. And it also includes the product image gallery like WooCommerce Quick View Pro.

For more functionality, there’s also an affordable premium version.

Key features ⚙️

  • Uses a persistent button to open quick view
  • Multiple button placement options
  • Choose different entrance animations
  • Disable quick view on mobile devices
  • Control product image sizes
  • Option to add a button to the quick view that links to the single product page
  • Enable/disable the product image gallery
  • Enable Ajax add to cart and automatically close the popup after a user adds an item to their cart (paid)
  • Control which product details display (paid)
  • Choose different lightbox types (paid)
  • Customize product image gallery position (paid)
  • Add product image zooming (paid)
Quick View WooCommerce settings

An example of the quick view functionality from my test site 👈

Here’s what it looks like with the default settings, but you can also disable the button to the single product page if you’d prefer:

Quick View WooCommerce example

In the free version, users are taken to the single product page after they add an item to their cart, which isn’t ideal. You’ll need the paid version to change that functionality.

Price and details 💳

The Quick View WooCommerce plugin has a limited free version at After that, the premium version starts at $9 for use on a single site and goes up to $30 for use on unlimited sites.

Get started with WooCommerce quick view today 🚀

Implemented well, WooCommerce quick view functionality gives your shoppers a simpler way to view product details and purchase products. And, as ForeSee found, around 45% of your shoppers are likely to take advantage of this feature if you implement it in the right way.

👉 To add product quick view functionality to WooCommerce, you’ll need a WooCommerce quick view plugin, and we’ve laid out four good options in this post:

  1. Sparks for WooCommerce
  2. WooCommerce Quick View Pro
  3. YITH WooCommerce Quick View
  4. Quick View WooCommerce

Do you have any questions about which is the best WooCommerce quick view plugin for your needs? Ask away in the comments and we’ll try to help!

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