Mobile plugins for WordPress
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Smartphones and tablets have become more powerful lately, with mobile traffic now accounting for more than half of all website traffic. Therefore, if your site isn’t responsive, you might be missing out on valuable conversions. Using mobile plugins for WordPress can help you optimize your site’s user experience (UX) for your mobile visitors.

To make your site fully accessible, it’s not always enough to just use a responsive theme. It’s smart to fully customize your site’s design and ensure all elements, including the navigation menu and header, are reactive to touch. You might also want to enable your mobile users to easily reach you with a contact button.

This article will give you an overview of five of the best mobile plugins for WordPress. Let’s dive right in!

The most useful mobile plugins for WordPress

We considered multiple plugins for this showcase, but we think you will get the greatest value from the following mobile optimization plugins.

1. AMP for WP

If your current theme is not as responsive as you’d like it to be, AMP for WP can fix that for you. AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is a functionality that this plugin adds to your site. You can also design your entire mobile site from scratch if you prefer, and use it as your primary theme instead.

This free tool comes with impressive features, helping you boost your mobile pages’ speed and overall UX. It enables you to choose from various AMP themes and customize multiple elements to your liking. Plus, you can use a dedicated page builder to create complex layouts without touching a line of code.

AMP for WP also comes with various other options. For instance, it enables you to monetize your site with ads and integrate it with multiple analytics tools to track your conversions. You can also activate mobile redirection to ensure you’re not losing any traffic to your site.

Besides that, this plugin includes features such as:

Pricing: Free.

If you want to access premium extensions and themes, pricing starts at $149 per year for use on one site.

Note – if you want a simpler way to benefit from AMP for WordPress, you can use our free Neve theme, which offers built-in AMP support.

2. Any Mobile Theme Switcher

As the name suggests, this plugin will automatically switch to a mobile version of your theme based on each visitor’s device. Therefore, you can rest assured knowing that all your users will have an optimal viewing experience.

Any Mobile Theme Switcher lets you install two active themes on your site – one for your desktop users and another for your mobile visitors. You can even select a different design for each mobile browser and provide a unique experience for your specific target audience. For instance, you can pick different themes for iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile, and more.

Suppose you want to boost your page loading speed as well. In that case, the Pro version supports caching and boasts improved mobile browser detection. Additionally, it enables you to serve a unique home page to your mobile visitors, increasing your targeting efforts. Plus, you can add a Click to Call button so that users can easily reach out to you.

Pricing: Free.

Or upgrade for additional Pro features. The premium license costs only $10 for single-site use.

3. Max Mega Menu

A mobile-friendly page design won’t guarantee conversions if your menu is unresponsive. Fortunately, Max Mega Menu can help you work around this potential issue. This popular plugin enables you to create touch-enabled mega menus without any coding knowledge.

Max Mega Menu comes with an intuitive drag-and-drop builder, making it easy to rearrange elements and add widgets. You can also fully customize the look of your menu, thanks to the plugin’s various styling options. Plus, you can add interest to your site navigation with visually enhancing animations and transitions.

Max Mega Menu also enables you to adjust your site’s mobile version and instantly preview the changes, ensuring an optimal experience for all your visitors. On top of that, your menu will load fast and won’t slow down your pages as the plugin is lightweight and extensively tested on all devices.

Other features include:

  • Grid layout builder
  • Sub-menu options
  • Choice of menu locations
  • Menu icons
  • Compatibility with Elementor

Pricing: Free.

If you need more advanced features, such as sticky menu options or WooCommerce integration, you can upgrade for $29 for a single-site license.

To learn how it works, check out our WordPress mega menu tutorial.

4. Touchy

The Touchy plugin is one of our selected mobile plugins for WordPress.

Our next recommendation is Touchy, a premium plugin that helps you create a flawless browsing experience for your mobile users. This tool is an excellent addition to any theme, enhancing your current design with responsive features.

With Touchy, you can build a smartphone-friendly navigation menu and header that are reactive to the touch. You can also add various elements such as your logo, search functionality, call and email buttons, and more.

If you don’t like the default appearance, you can edit any of these items with the familiar WordPress Live Customizer. For instance, you can adjust colors, change the positioning and transparency of various elements, add widgets, and more. Plus, you can embed content and insert shortcodes, so you can entirely change the look and feel of your menus and headers.

Furthermore, you can enjoy features such as:

  • Real-time previews
  • WooCommerce integration
  • Over 1,500 menu icons
  • Advanced styling options
  • Multi-level accordion menu
  • Animation options

Pricing: $26 for a single-site license.

5. Call Now Button

Our final recommendation is Call Now Button, an excellent plugin for anyone who offers products or services on their site. Without a compelling, touch-friendly CTA, your mobile visitors may struggle to reach you, which is where this simple feature comes in handy.

As its name suggests, this plugin does one thing only, and it does it well. All you have to do is enable it, enter your phone number, and choose your preferred button location on your site. You can also enter a CTA, such as Call Now, or just use a circular phone icon instead.

If you’d like further customization options, you can change your button’s color, adjust its size, or choose on which pages you want it to appear. You can also enable click tracking via Google Analytics and set up a conversion tag for Google Ads.

Pricing: Free.

👉 To learn how to use it, check out our guide on how to add a call now button to WordPress.

Improve your mobile WordPress site today

A responsive site is a prerequisite for any successful business nowadays. However, a theme that adjusts to users’ screen sizes is not always enough to keep your visitors happy. Therefore, it’s smart to ensure that all of your site’s elements look their best and are reactive to the touch.

In this article, we’ve discussed our five top mobile plugins for WordPress. To recap, AMP for WP and Any Mobile Switcher will help you provide the optimal UX for your mobile visitors. You can also enhance your menu with plugins such as Touchy and Max Mega Menu. Otherwise, if you need a simple touch-friendly CTA, the Call Now Button will get the job done.

For some other ways to improve your mobile website, check out our guide to creating a mobile-friendly WordPress site.

Do you have any questions about any of these mobile plugins for WordPress? Let us know in the comments section below!

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