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If you’re a WordPress user, you may have come across a feature called “Press This” while navigating the platform. However, what is WordPress Press This exactly? It’s essentially a tool that allows you to quickly and easily share content from other websites or sources to your WordPress site. It provides a simplified and streamlined way to curate and share content without the need for copying and pasting or manually formatting the content.

In this blog post, we’ll further explore Press This and discuss its features, benefits, and how you can set it up.

Press This no more?

ℹ️ The Press This feature has its best years behind it. We now have many more tools to post things on our WordPress sites quickly, and the Press This functionality, albeit available, has been removed from the core of WordPress and moved into its own separate plugin. Nevertheless, we’re going to show you what the feature is about and how you can still use it today.

Understanding Press This

With the vast amount of information available on the internet, it’s challenging to keep up with the latest news and trends in your chosen industry. Press This enables you to capture and share relevant content effortlessly, helping you stay informed and provide value to your readers.

The way Press This works is that whenever you’re reading an interesting article on the web, you can click a button on the Press This bookmarklet in your web browser and have that piece of content published on your blog – along with some added commentary from you.

Here are a few examples of how Press This can be used:

  • Content curation: Press This allows you to curate content from various sources and compile it into a single post. You can quickly grab quotes, images, clips, or entire articles from different websites, providing your readers with a comprehensive view of a topic.
  • Social sharing: Press This makes it easy to share content across your social media platforms. You can use it to grab appealing articles, blog posts, or videos and share them directly on your social profiles, keeping your followers engaged and informed.
  • Research and reference: When conducting research, Press This becomes a handy tool. You can use it to capture snippets of information, add your notes or annotations, and save them as drafts or publish them as reference material on your site.

Beyond what is WordPress Press This: how to set it up

Setting up Press This is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

Step 1: Install the Press This plugin

You can find the Press This plugin in the official directory.

Simply go to your WordPress dashboard, into PluginsAdd New and put “Press This” in the search field. Install and activate the plugin normally.

Step 2: Add Press This to your browser

Once the plugin has been installed, navigate to the Tools subcategory. From there, either pull the ‘Press This’ bookmarklet into your web browser’s toolbar or use the ‘Open Press This’ direct link to incorporate it into a mobile device menu.

Step 3: Use Press This

While you’re browsing, feel free to select some text (this step isn’t mandatory) and then activate the bookmarklet from your browser’s bookmarks.

You’ll then notice a pop-up window, where you can alter the content as desired.

Finally, decide whether to save your changes, preview them, or publish the post immediately.


Press This is an interesting old-school feature in WordPress that allows you to capture, curate, and share content quickly from various sources. It simplifies the process of content curation and social sharing, making it easier for you to stay engaged with your audience and provide them with relevant and timely information. Now that you know what is WordPress Press This – will you find a place for it in your publishing habits and consider installing it on your site?

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