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What are revisions in WordPress? How do they help us keep track of changes made to our posts and pages? These are the questions many newcomers to WordPress ask when editing content on their websites.

💡 Revisions are one of the most powerful content editing features in WordPress. They help bloggers, business owners and developers make changes to their content without fear of losing important data. Revisions allow you to track your progress as you edit posts and pages, giving you the ability to undo any unwanted changes.

What are revisions in WordPress?

As mentioned, one of the most important content editing features in WordPress is the ability to make revisions, or changes, to existing posts and pages. Revisions are an essential part of managing your website’s content as they allow you to keep track of any edits made over time.

Basically, any time you make a change to your content, the previous version is saved in the WordPress database as a revision. This ensures that you have access to all versions of your content, making it easier for you to revert back to previous versions if mistakes were made or changes need to be undone.

How to view revisions in WordPress

Aside from asking what are revisions in WordPress, you may also be wondering how to check what changes have been made to your post.

To view revisions in WordPress, simply open up the edit screen for any post or page. At the right sidebar, you’ll find the number of revisions for that draft below the Author section.

what are revisions in WordPress

When you click on it, it will show timestamps of the revisions. When you click on a specific time, it will highlight the changes made in the document at that time. The unified mode works just like Google Workspace’s version history that shows the revisions in a single panel.

wordpress post revisions

A handy feature is split mode, where you can view the changes and compare them to the previous version. The left side of the screen is split into two columns and you can see the differences at a glance.

👉 If you want to learn more on how to work with revisions in WordPress, read this.

Advantages and disadvantages of WordPress revisions

The biggest advantage of WordPress revisions is that they allow you to undo any mistakes or changes you may have made while creating or editing your post. If something isn’t quite right, you can simply revert back to an earlier version of your post. This can be a huge time saver compared to having to start over from scratch or manually check the changes made to the draft.

Additionally, when working with a team of writers, revisions can help you keep track of who did what and when. You’ll be able to see which writer wrote a particular section or paragraph and how it has evolved over time.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages as well. WordPress revisions take up server space and can slow down your website if you have too many active revisions at one time. What’s more, it’s important to remember that once a revision has been published, it cannot be undone – so make sure to check the edits made to your post before it goes live.

Conclusion 🧐

Revisions in WordPress are an important part of the platform that can help you keep track of changes, protect against loss or damage, and restore older versions of your posts. They are also a great way to ensure accuracy and consistency across all your posts.

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