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When uploading photos to your WordPress site, you’ll want them to be of top quality to attract visitors. To avoid using images that are blurry or loading slowly, you’ll need to know about image sizes and other requirements. If you’re wondering what is thumbnail size in WordPress, then the answer is simple at first – it refers to the size of your thumbnail images.

Keep scrolling 🖱️ to learn more about thumbnail sizes, the default image sizes, and how you can adjust thumbnail sizes in WordPress.

What is thumbnail size and what are default image sizes?

A thumbnail size refers to a feature in WordPress that takes effect when you upload images to your site (be it normal images or featured images). When you upload an image, WordPress will give you three default sizes, thumbnail, medium, and large. The fourth image choice is full size, which is the original size you uploaded on your site.

You’ll need different resolutions when using images in different locations. That’s why WordPress automatically provides various image options. You won’t have to resize or edit the photos manually to get the right quality. WordPress will take care of it for you.

👉 WordPress default image sizes include:

  • thumbnail, which is 150px square,
  • medium, with a maximum width and height of 300px,
  • large, with a maximum width and height of 1024px,
  • full size is your image’s full or original size.

How to adjust thumbnail sizes in WordPress

Another important question besides what is thumbnail size is how you can adjust thumbnail sizes in WordPress. While WordPress offers three default image sizes, you can still opt to change them depending on your needs. For example, you might want a larger size for your thumbnails. If you always end up editing your images because the default sizes don’t suit your needs, then changing them would be the best choice.

To adjust the size, proceed to your admin dashboard, hover your mouse over “Settings” and then “Media.” You can then change the width and height for each size in “Media Settings.” Once you’re done adjusting the numbers, click on “Save Changes”. The images you upload on your site will have the new sizes you’ve set.

what is thumbnail size.

Another thing you should do after changing those thumbnail settings is install a plugin like Regenerate Thumbnails so that it will enforce those new settings on your old images retroactively. It all happens in a few clicks.

Regenerate Thumbnails.

Conclusion 🤓

To maximize your visual content strategy on your site, you’ll need to know the different WordPress default image sizes, including thumbnail, medium, and large. You can also adjust the sizes to satisfy your needs and preferences for different images and locations.

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