Ways to make money online
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At this stage, in 2023, it’s pretty common knowledge that you can make money online. Or, I should rather say, it’s common knowledge that some people make money online, but how do you get a piece of this pie for yourself?

The following list highlights 20 future-proof strategies on how to make money online in 2023 and going forward.

To help you identify the right strategy for you, we’ve rated each one by the following factors:

  • Investment needed (rated low 🟢 – medium 🟡 – high 🟠)
  • Skill to enter (rated low 🟢 – medium 🟡 – high 🟠)
  • Income type (active ⚡ or passive ⌛)

Read on to find your perfect strategy to make money online in 2023.

How to make money online: 20 ideas to get you started

How to Make Money Online

Now that we’ve introduced the idea of future-proof money making opportunities, let’s look at twenty excellent alternatives. The one that’s the best fit for you will depend on the time you have to invest and the skills you have to offer, but they all present excellent opportunities to make extra income.

How to make money online: 20 ideas
Idea Investment Needed Skill Level Income Type
Edit podcasts Low Medium Active
Become a virtual assistant Low Low Active
Start your own blog Low Low Passive
Offer courses Low Medium Active
Become the face of a business Medium to high Medium Active
Dropshipping Medium Medium Mostly active
Create a membership site Medium Medium Passive
Sell pre-built blogs or influencer platforms High Medium Active
Create a directory or listing site and sell premium listings Low Medium Passive
Get paid to travel Low to medium Low Passive
Help people analyze data Low High Active
Create aerial property photos High Medium Active
Sell used goods online to a bigger market Medium Medium Active
Freelance video editor for YouTube channels Low Medium to high Active
Online tutoring Low Medium Active
Creating social ad campaigns Low Low to medium Active
Moderate bots from home Low Low to high Active
Participate in the gig-economy Low Low Passive
Test websites Low Low Active
Create a niche web hosting product Medium High Passive

1. Edit people’s podcasts

Podcasts have gone from a quirky thing for the tech-savvy to a mainstream thing worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Literally! Spotify spent over $100 million just to get the Joe Rogan Experience and they also acquired Gimlet, a popular podcast studio, for over $200 million.

That money has led to a lot of people wanting to launch their own podcasts. However, most people don’t have the skills to edit their own audio. In fact, a fairly common complaint from podcast listeners is that sound quality leaves much to be desired.

That’s where you come in. You’ll take a podcast host’s raw audio, and you’ll polish it into a diamond-worthy product that won’t get them angry comments from their listeners. No more sound-quality complaints with you steering the quality-control ship. The end result will be happier listeners, which means a happier podcast host. You can bet that host will be more than willing to continue to pay you to keep his or her listeners happy.

Investment: Low 🟢
Skill to enter: Medium 🟡

Income type: Active ⚡
Good for: People who know basic sound editing or have the time to learn a tool like Audacity.

2. Become a virtual assistant

People are always looking for a little help. And since the world’s gone global, you can be that helper no matter where in the world your clients are. That means you can make money from home, or really, you can make money from anywhere. And as a virtual assistant, you can help out with pretty much…anything.

You could help your clients find guest post opportunities, organize their schedule, perform some occasional data entry…really anything. You can use platforms like Upwork to find clients. Or, you can create your own website and market your services that way. With a relatively low barrier to entry, it’s one of the easiest ways to make money online.

Investment: Low 🟢
Skill to enter: Low 🟢

Income type: Active ⚡
Good for: Pretty much anyone, though having some knowledge might help you command a higher rate. For example, learning some SEO can help if you’re working with website owners.

3. Start your own blog

Blogging ain’t exactly a unique idea to make money online in 2023. But it’s something that has worked in the past, works in the present, and will keep working in the future.

You can blog about almost anything you’re passionate about (as long as there are other people who are passionate about it, too). There are also tons of ways to make money blogging. For example, you can use affiliate marketing, partner with brands, display ads, and lots more.

Starting a blog that makes real money takes a lot of time and effort. While not one of the easiest ways to make money online, if you’re willing to put in the work, it’s still a top contender for the best way to make money on the internet in 2023 and beyond.

👉 How to start a blog site with WordPress

Investment: Low 🟢
Skill to enter: Low 🟢

Income type: Passive ⌛
Good for: Pretty much anyone!

4. Offer on-demand, one-on-one courses

Online courses are all the rage, but what about an organized website where merchants (or teachers) sell their services to explain tasks. This could be as in-depth as a developer teaching one or two, or dozens of students about a coding language. It could also be something as quick and simple as repairing a leaky faucet.

YouTube and online courses already exist, but the vision for this is a little different. This would be a marketplace where users could schedule or lock-in instant video training. Instructors would receive a notification any time that someone pinged them for their expertise. They’d log in and solve the problem or share their knowledge. This would be a great way to earn money online.

In the meantime, you could also apply with some established tutoring companies to make extra money that way. For example, Varsity Tutors or Wyzant are both popular choices.

Investment: Low 🟢
Skill to enter: Medium 🟡

Income type: Active ⚡
Good for: Those with flexible schedules and a skill that they’re confident teaching, like students, stay-at-home parents, self-employed workers, and people free on the weekends. Professionals in all trades could do this if they find enough time.

5. Rent yourself out as “the-face-of-the-firm”

From voiceover actors to SEO experts, talent and business expertise are for sale all over the internet. Yet, there could be a market for small and medium-sized businesses that need a “face for their company”.

An ideal candidate for this would be tech-savvy, good in front of a camera, and willing to handle every aspect of a brand’s public messaging and advertising. They would make blog content, YouTube videos, promotional videos, and more. The huge benefit of having it be only one dedicated individual, is that it would maintain brand continuity and brand identification with the company’s audience.

If you already like being in front of a camera, are somewhat creative, and know how to use modern editing tools of various kinds, then this is a perfect way to make extra money. Depending on the circumstances, you could even turn it into a full time job.

Investment: Medium 🟡 to High 🟠
Skill to enter: Medium 🟡

Income type: Active ⚡
Good for: Actors, voiceover artists, marketers, video and audio professionals, and anyone willing to purchase the required equipment, show their face, and use their voice.

6. Dropship products from local stores

The dropshipping game comes with some inherent risks, namely questionable shipping times and equally questionable quality of products. Most of the goods that are procured by dropshippers to sell to Western consumers are produced in either China or India.

There’s a decent chance that we’ll eventually see a marketplace or online hub for local businesses to connect with dropshippers, who will act as middle-men online retailers. They will work on marketing and distribution, while the retail store will ship any sales from those stores directly to customers.

Even if an online hub like that doesn’t exist yet, you could still try to do some on-the-ground work, and approach retailers yourself. Explain what you can offer from your side and what you’re looking for from them, and perhaps you can work out something mutually profitable for both sides.

Investment: Medium 🟡
Skill to enter: Medium 🟡

Income type: Mostly active ⚡
Good for: At-home workers and those trying to start a business or side-gig, along with students, stay-at-home parents, and eCommerce professionals.

7. Create your own membership site

A membership site can be anything from a private online course to a premium forum community or members-only store. Basically, it’s anything where people are willing to sign up and pay for access to content that regular people don’t get.

That’s a little vague, but that’s the point! Creating a membership site is such a flexible way to make money online. For example, Scott’s Cheap Flights sells access to alerts on cheap flight deals, Nomad List sells a premium digital nomad community, Fizzle is a community of creative entrepreneurs…it can be literally anything!

Best of all, a membership site gets you access to the holy grail of making money online – automatic recurring revenue, AKA money that comes in every month like clockwork. Of course passive income is a very coveted goal. It’s no surprise then, that this is not one of the easiest ways to make money online. It will require some work on your part, but it is certainly achievable if you want it. You can start by using the two resources below.

Investment: Medium 🟡
Skill to enter: Medium 🟡

Income type: Passive ⌛
Good for: People who are willing to invest time into learning how to make a website and grow it with marketing.

8. Sell pre-built blogs or influencer platforms

We have themes for full website infrastructures and a wide variety of other templates so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel in just about every industry. Writers start with outlines, coders rarely begin from scratch, and even painters have models and inspiration they work with.

Is it possible for an agency to offer pre-built blogs for aspiring affiliate marketers and bloggers? It could include a fully functional website and a few dozen custom blog posts that focus on one topic. It’s sort of like a web designer, but putting the buyers in a position where they’d start their business about one-month into the content creation process.

Investment: High 🟠
Skill to enter: Medium 🟡

Income type: Active ⚡
Good for: People who are comfortable developing websites and writing valuable content, such as developers, writers, or combinations of both. Social media enthusiasts fall into this category as well.

9. Create your own directory or listing site and sell premium listings

A directory or listing site is a great way to make money online because, once you get some traffic, businesses will be willing to pay you for a premium listing to get more eyes on their offer.

One of the most common examples is a job board. You can pick a specific niche and become an authority in that space. For example, the ProBlogger Job Board is a popular place to find freelance bloggers. Or, Remote OK is another popular option that focuses only on remote-friendly jobs.

You aren’t limited to jobs, either. You could list businesses, consultants, service providers, etc.

👉 How to create a directory website

Investment: Low 🟢
Skill to enter: Medium 🟡

Income type: Passive ⌛
Good for: People who are willing to invest time into learning how to make a website and grow it with marketing.

10. Get paid only to travel

I have a few travel blogging friends and they’ve mentioned many times just how hard it is to keep the content on their blogs flowing. People like them, who make money online as individual travel vloggers and/or bloggers, normally have to travel to the places they’re shooting footage of, and/or writing about. While it can be exhilarating – especially at first – it is also both time consuming and costly.

That’s where you (potentially) come in. As a travel blogger “assistant” you could travel on their behalf, snap photos, take video clips, and send over some notes about your experiences. Then, the travel vloggers/bloggers you’ve partnered with, can compile the information, and do the bulk of the writing and photo/video editing work. They can then publish the finished product to their audience, all without ever having set foot on a plane or a car to visit the location.

If you travel somewhat frequently and have some downtime in the places you go, this is an excellent and even fun way to make extra money.

Investment: Low 🟢 to Medium 🟡
Skill to enter: Low 🟢

Income type: Passive ⌛
Good for: Nomads, or simply people willing to travel and get paid for it. Those who have the time and a bit of money to globetrot.

11. Help people make sense of their data

Nowadays, everyone wants to collect “data”. They take all the actions that their visitors/customers perform and throw them into a big data pile that’s only going to get bigger in the future. However, there’s not as much focus on taking this huge pile of data and actually turning it into actionable insights.

That’s where you come in. You can help people turn their data into something useful. This could be anything from digging into the data yourself to setting up a custom Google Analytics dashboard or eCommerce reporting tool. In short, find a way to make data useful so that people can call themselves “data-driven” in meetings and have it actually mean something.

Investment: Low 🟢
Skill to enter: High 🟠

Income type: Active ⚡
Good for: People with good analytical skills. Having some knowledge of a programming language like Python also helps.

12. Create stylistic, aerial property photos

This isn’t exactly a new way to make money, but one that often gets forgotten. Not to mention, it’s much easier with drones today.

When I was younger, a photographer went door-to-door in my neighborhood selling artsy photos he took of the homes from a plane. They looked almost like paintings, and many in the neighborhood bought them, since people grow to love their homes and like to memorialize them.

The only problem is that depending on local drone laws, you would possibly need to get permission or a license-to-fly beforehand – or both. Once you cleared those hurdles, you could make extra money with your footage in a few different ways.

The easiest and most straightforward – though probably the least lucrative – would be to sell your photos on a site like Shutterstock. Alternatively, you could make a portfolio website and either run targeted ads to people who might be interested in your drone shots, or approach local businesses with boring websites that could benefit from your photography.

Other than dealing with possible regulatory permissions, this is arguably one of the easiest ways to make money online.

Investment: High 🟠
Skill to enter: Medium 🟡

Income type: Active ⚡
Good for: Photographers, drone hobbyists, or other visual artists who can invest in a drone and make the logistics work.

13. Find used goods and sell them online to a bigger market

There’s this weird disconnect in the used goods market. The internet and cheap shipping services have made the world a global marketplace, but lots of people still only sell their used goods locally on places like Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. This disconnect creates an opportunity for you to find cheap goods locally and then sell them to a global audience via platforms like eBay.

Often, the local goods are way undervalued because not very many people see them. But when you sell on eBay, you can get a much higher price since you have a larger audience. There’s a bit of a learning curve, but once you understand the ins and outs, it’s a great way to earn money online. Flea Market Flipper has a blog and courses that can teach you how to get started.

Investment: Medium 🟡
Skill to enter: Medium 🟡

Income type: Active ⚡
Good for: Anyone who’s tech-savvy enough to sell on eBay. You will need good negotiation skills and an eye for deals, though.

14. Become a freelance video editor for YouTube channels

There are so many small businesses that either make low-quality YouTube/social media videos, or it takes them a long time – even with automated editing tools.

The thought process behind this money-making idea is to work as a standard video editor who promises to take raw iPhone footage and turn it into a short, professional video. All the business owners would have to do is capture the raw footage. Everything else is left to the editor to turn it into something beautiful and make it fast.

The nice aspect of doing this type of work is that because everything involves sharing digital files, you can easily make money from home doing it. After all, there’s no need to go into an office just to click “send” on your laptop, or even to do the editing work itself. You can do it from anywhere, which means you can make money from anywhere.

Investment: Low 🟢
Skill to enter: Medium 🟡 to High 🟠

Income type: Active ⚡
Good for: Video editors who have the tools and efficiency to turn out quick videos that look good.

15. Be an online tutor

Tutoring has always been a great way to make money on the side, but with the growth of the internet and globalization, it’s also become a great way to make money online both now and in the future.

For example, if you’re a native English teacher, apps like VIPKid make it easy to tutor online from anywhere in the world (which is why it’s especially popular with digital nomads). It’s also a fan-favorite among those who want to make money from home. People like stay-at-home parents or college students for example.

Although it’s possible to try to find students yourself and teach them through meeting tools like Zoom, it’s usually easier to use an established tutoring app. All you need is some expertise in some area…which can literally just be speaking English!

Investment: Low 🟢
Skill to enter: Medium 🟡

Income type: Active ⚡
Good for: Anyone with patience and knowledge to share, though it’s probably easier for adults.

16. Create social ad campaigns that actually work

Normally this would be considered more of a job function, rather than a standalone job. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t turn it into one.

Even if you don’t want it to be a full-time gig, you could still do it on the side to make extra money. You don’t even need to be a digital marketing specialist or social media manager – thought it would help – as long as you have this very specific skillset and you’re good at it.

You can use your skills to make extra money by posting your services on a freelancing platform like Fiverr. A small business owner could then hire you to create dozens of targeted ads for their business and schedule them. This way, the business owner won’t have to spend time and money on something they know nothing about.

Investment: Low 🟢
Skill to enter: Low 🟢 to Medium 🟡

Income type: Active ⚡
Good for: Social media professionals or enthusiasts, people with marketing or ad experience, or folks with enough time to learn about social ads.

17. Moderate bots from home

Robots already function on assembly lines, with propositions to introduce them into more customer-facing and “thinking” roles like cooks, retail salespeople, and restaurant servers. Yet, even with artificial intelligence, those jobs often require problem-solving, critical thinking, and a human touch. In addition, what if the software or hardware fails and needs quick maintenance? At some point, we can expect a wave of at-home workers who control, maintain, or even just moderate robots in positions that aren’t assembly line workers with repeated actions.

Investment: Low 🟢
Skill to enter: Low 🟢 to High 🟠

Income type: Active ⚡
Good for: It depends on the role. We can see some roles as requiring simple chatting or checking in on the bot. Others may require advanced technical skills for maintenance. Regardless, it would have to be someone who can sit on the computer for long periods.

18. Participate in the gig-economy for everything

The gig economy offers so many easy ways to make money. A person can rent out their car, drive neighbors around, turn their home into a vacation rental, or even post their couch as a viable option for lodging. We can imagine companies have already – and will continue to – expand this idea to smaller, mundane items such as renting power tools to people in your neighborhood, or leasing out big-screen TVs for big weekend sporting events.

Investment: Low 🟢
Skill to enter: Low 🟢

Income type: Passive ⌛
Good for: Teens, students, stay-at-home parents, workers, and just about anyone with items of value and a bit of time to post listings and meet with renters.

19. Test other people’s websites

A lot of people are building websites these days and they want to make sure that other people find it easy to use and navigate those websites. That’s a problem because, when you build a website, it’s easy for you to think everything makes sense. But sometimes other people struggle with things that you didn’t even think about.

You can be one of those “other people”. That is, you can test people’s websites and offer feedback. People will literally be willing to pay you just to explore their website and share your thoughts.

One option is to use an existing marketplace like UserTesting, which pays ~$10 for just a ~20-minute interview. Or, you could also create your own website and market yourself as an expert to earn even more. Whichever approach you take, it’s a great way to make extra money.

Investment: Low 🟢
Skill to enter: Low 🟢

Income type: Active ⚡
Good for: Anyone – for sites like UserTesting, they want regular people, so you don’t need any special knowledge. If you want to become an expert and earn more, you’ll want to learn some basic design and UX principles, though.

20. Create your own niche web hosting product

With the rise of cloud hosting, launching a niche web hosting operation has never been easier. The key here is picking a niche because you don’t want to go up against the big established hosts like GoDaddy and Bluehost.

For example, you could be “web hosting for busy freelancers” or “mom bloggers” or “busy podcasters” or anything else. By picking a niche, you can stand out from the crowd and also offer a more tailored product and brand.

While selling hosting is undoubtedly technical, tools like cPanel, Plesk, and WHM make it fairly easy to do on a small scale. Or, if you want to stick to WordPress, you can consider dedicated WordPress panels such as GridPane or RunCloud.

With cloud hosting, you can start small and only add resources as your service grows, which reduces the upfront cost. If you have the patience, it’s an excellent way to earn money online.

Investment: Medium 🟡
Skill to enter: High 🟠

Income type: Passive ⌛
Good for: People who are tech-savvy enough to set up tools like cPanel and Plesk. Having some development/network admin skills is also a big help.

How will you make money online in 2023?

We hope we’ve given you some ideas and got you all fired up to make money online. Although we’re aware that not all of the ideas on this list are applicable to everyone, we’re confident that you’ll identify at least two or three that will appeal to you. There may have even been one or two that caught your eye and that will allow you to make quick money.

The important thing here is just to get started and take the first steps sooner rather than later. You don’t need to have a 100% skill set match with these right from day one. Don’t overthink it. Start simple, and before you know it, you’ll be riding the make money from anywhere train too.

Below are a couple of resources that might help you get started:

Do you have any questions about how to make money online in 2023? Ask us in the comments below!

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Written by Colin Newcomer, Joe Warnimont and Karol K.

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