how to promote amazon products
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Becoming an Amazon affiliate takes some time, but if you’ve done this successfully, you now face another hurdle. With so many items and brands to choose from, you may be wondering how to promote Amazon products effectively.

There’s lots of profit potential 📈 as long as you employ a bit of strategy when marketing goodsto be had as an Amazon affiliate, as long as you employ a bit of strategy when marketing goods. For instance, you’ll need to comply with Amazon’s rules and select high-performing products that align with your brand.

👉 In this post, we’ll discuss the benefits of promoting Amazon products as an affiliate. Then, we’ll share six highly effective strategies to help you market your products and maximize your affiliate revenue. Let’s begin!

The benefits of promoting Amazon products as an affiliate

If you’re looking to monetize your blog, website, or social media page, becoming an Amazon affiliate can be an effective way to do it. Amazon uses a classic affiliate marketing structure. This means you can promote products and earn a commission for every sale made through your affiliate links:

Amazon Associates banner

Amazon is the largest online marketplace in the world, with millions of products across various categories and niches. This makes its affiliate program highly appealing (and potentially lucrative).

Given the sheer number of products on Amazon, virtually any content creator can find something to recommend to their audience. Plus, with the level of web traffic Amazon receives, people are more likely to trust the products you’re promoting.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that Amazon affiliates are held to a strict set of compliance rules. Later in the post, we’ll look at some of these restrictions and provide resources to help you comply.

How to promote amazon products effectively (6 strategies)

Now that you know more about the benefits of becoming an Amazon affiliate, let’s look at some 🔎 strategies to help you effectively promote products!

📚 Table of contents:

  1. Make sure that you comply with Amazon’s affiliate rules
  2. Select high-performing products that align with your brand
  3. Optimize your product selection with keyword research
  4. Create product-specific content on your website
  5. Promote products/content across multiple channels
  6. Use multiple tracking IDs to analyze your efforts

1. Make sure that you comply with Amazon’s affiliate rules

Since Amazon is one of the world’s largest corporations, its affiliate rules are stricter than most other programs. When you become an Amazon affiliate, you’ll need to make a minimum number of sales within the first six months to prevent your account from being deactivated.

Additionally, Amazon requires you to display a prominent affiliate disclosure and doesn’t allow for link cloaking. The company can also be quite particular about how you display products, banning you from listing prices and pulling images directly from product pages (unless you’re using its API).

Most of these restrictions have a logical justification. For instance, prices change frequently and Amazon doesn’t want shoppers to feel like they’ve been tricked if they see a different price, which is why they shouldn’t be listed.

Regardless, that doesn’t make these complex rules easier to keep track of. Therefore, if you’re running an affiliate website with WordPress, we recommend installing an Amazon affiliate plugin:

AAWP WordPress plugin

AAWP connects your site to Amazon’s API. This eliminates the need to worry about compliance rules for your links and product images.

Moreover, it gives you some advanced features for displaying products, like using a comparison table. To further streamline your marketing efforts, you may want to check out the best Amazon affiliate plugins.

2. Select high-performing products that align with your brand

If you’ve shopped from Amazon before, then you already know that the platform has an endless collection of products. While it’s great to have these options, this vast selection can be a double-edged sword when it comes to deciding on what to promote.

In order to optimize your sales, you’ll want to stick with products that align with your brand. For example, if you run a recipe blog, you can promote everything from ingredients to items in the Kitchen Organization category:

Amazon products in the kitchen organization category.

Additionally, it’s a smart idea to select only high-performing products. This way, your readers will be more likely to enjoy the product you’re recommending.

Finding popular products is pretty straightforward. You can start by checking out the Best Sellers in categories that match up with your brand:

Best-selling Amazon products in the Grocery and Gourmey Food category.

If you have a food blog, you could look in the Grocery & Gourmet Food category (and its subcategories) to find ingredients you’d like to market. Alternatively, if you run a parenting blog, you could promote some of the best-selling meal kits:

Best-selling Amazon products in the Fresh Meal Ingredient Kits category.

Although Amazon’s product list may seem overwhelming at first, its category system makes the platform pretty organized. So, if you know what to look for, you can find relevant, high-performing items pretty easily.

3. Optimize your product selection with keyword research

No matter what type of website you manage, search engine optimization (SEO) is key if you want people to find your content. While you may already have an SEO strategy to improve your site’s search engine rankings, you can also use keyword research to further improve your product selection.

In order to hone in on the best product keywords, consider what your target audience may be searching for. If you have an affiliate website that promotes gardening, you may already aim to rank for keywords and phrases like “how to start gardening” or “gardening tips for beginners.”

These might be excellent for gaining general traffic, but they aren’t intended for people looking for specific products. You’ll need to broaden your keywords to include things such as “best gardening tools” or “best gardening gloves:”

Keyword research for Amazon products in the Google Keyword Planner

To do this, you might want to use a keyword research tool that you’re already familiar with. We’re big fans of Google Keyword Planner, as it’s straightforward and easy to use.

In order to find the best Amazon products for your niche, we recommend trying out keywords for different items. Then, select the products with keywords that have a significant monthly search volume and low to medium competition:

Google Keyword Planner research

For example, in just a few searches, we were able to identify that “best gardening gloves” has a much higher search volume than “best gardening shovel.”

4. Create product-specific content on your website

When you have access to Amazon’s massive product collection, there’s really no limit to what you can promote. Since you’re unlikely to run out of goods to market, creating product-specific content can be a good way to maximize your affiliate sales.

Roundups, listicles, gift guides, and even comparison-style posts can be great for this purpose. For example, if you run a blog for podcast creators, you could publish an annual roundup of the best headphones:

Amazon product guide for best podcasting headphones 2022.

Furthermore, if you plan to create a lot of content, you might want to write highly specific product guides or reviews:

Amazon product review article

As we mentioned earlier, you can even make a comparison table using a tool like AAWP:

Product comparison table.

This type of product-specific content can be highly effective as you can include lots of affiliate links in one post. Moreover, the people who are searching these product-centric keywords will likely be ready to make a purchase.

5. Promote products/content across multiple channels (while following the rules)

If you want to make even more money as an affiliate, you shouldn’t limit yourself to one promotional channel. Your website may be where you earn the bulk of your revenue, but you can also market Amazon products on social media and other apps.

Keep in mind though, it’s against Amazon’s rules to promote your affiliate links via email (you can promote the affiliate content on your website, though – just don’t include affiliate links directly).

To start, you may want to advertise your website’s affiliate content on your social media profiles, leading users to your blog posts:

Promoting an Amazon gift guide on Instagram.

However, if you decide that you prefer a certain social platform over an affiliate website, you can always get set up with the Amazon Influencer Program as well. This way, you’ll be able to add affiliate links directly to your social media bios, stories, posts, and more.

6. Use multiple tracking IDs to analyze your efforts

When you’re approved as an Amazon affiliate, the company issues you a single tracking ID. This is associated with all of your affiliate links, no matter where you’re marketing them.

However, Amazon allows you to create up to 100 unique tracking IDs. You can generate them in the Manage your Tracking ID tab in your account:

Amazon affiliate tracking IDs.

This is highly useful as it enables you to generate specific tracking IDs for every channel that you use. Then, you can analyze your sales and performance by viewing the Tracking ID Summary Report for each platform.

For instance, when you make one tracking ID for your affiliate website and another for your YouTube channel, you’ll be able to see where you’re getting more conversions. You can then use this knowledge to tweak your affiliate marketing strategy.

This may inspire you to focus heavily on the channel where you perform the best. Alternatively, if you want to perform equally across platforms, it could help you identify which channel needs more work.

Start promoting Amazon affiliate products today

If you’ve decided to embark on a journey as an Amazon affiliate, then you’ve made a wise choice. Amazon Associates can help you make a generous passive income, especially if you already have a sizable audience.

Still, if you want to maximize your affiliate profits, you’ll need to adopt some key strategies that are unique to Amazon.

To review, here are six tactics to help you promote Amazon products as an affiliate:

  1. Make sure that you comply with Amazon’s affiliate rules.
  2. Select high-performing products that align with your brand.
  3. Optimize your product selection with keyword research.
  4. Create product-specific content.
  5. Avoid limiting yourself to one promotional channel.
  6. Use multiple tracking IDs.

⌛ If you made your website with WordPress, an Amazon affiliate plugin can help you implement these tactics. We also have a guide on how to add Amazon affiliate links in WordPress.

If you’re not an Amazon affiliate yet, you can follow our step-by-step 👉 guide on how to become an Amazon affiliate.

That’s it! There you have it. Now you know how to promote Amazon products – so what are you waiting for? Get out there and do it!

Do you have any questions about how to promote Amazon products as an affiliate marketer? Let us know in the comments section below!

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