wordcamp europe by the numbers
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If you’ve been excited about this year’s WordCamp Europe, you’re not alone! The event is nearly here and we couldn’t be more stoked about it!

We’ve also been working closely with the #WCEU crew during this time, ever since we enrolled as a media partner for this year’s event. Aside from the usual written informative content – some good ol’ interviews, previews, conference reviews, and roundups – we wanted to try something different this time. So why not a WordCamp Europe infographic, right? 🤓

The WordCamp Europe organizing team was very nice to share the numbers from the past editions with us, so we’ve put them all together into this single infographic. We know you guys love visuals, so we hope you will enjoy our work!

There were several stats that we were seeking for this infographic, which we managed to cover actually: from the participating countries to volunteers, organizers, live streaming, fun events introduced yearly, the location of past editions, speakers, and other interesting facts about WCEU.

And before I forget, let me just say that the organizers are doing a great job keeping alive one of the biggest WordPress events in the world. Kudos for that! 🙂

So… how did WordCamp Europe evolve since its premiere in 2013? Have a look at this infographic and see for yourself! By the way, if you’re not done with the preparations for Belgrade yet, you should hurry up because #WCEU will start in a blink of an eye. Don’t forget to check the full schedule for #WCEU 2018 here.

WordCamp Europe infographic: all editions compared over the years

WordCamp Europe infographic by the numbers

What do you think about these numbers? Is #WCEU becoming stronger and stronger every year?

Let’s see what the next edition brings us, so join us in Belgrade on June 14-16, 2018. If you recognize or see any of the Themeisle members around the venue, don’t hesitate to say hi. We are friendly! See you there! 🙂

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Hint: Best way to use this infographic? Email it directly to people who might be interested (use this link https://themeisle.com/blog/wordcamp-europe-by-the-numbers/).

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Themeisle presents:

WordCamp Europe infographic! All #WCEU Editions Compared by the Numbers (From 2013 to 2018)

WordCamps so far:

  • 2013 – Leiden, The Netherlands
  • 2014 – Sofia, Bulgaria
  • 2015 – Seville, Spain
  • 2016 – Vienna, Austria
  • 2017 – Paris, France
  • 2018 – Belgrade, Serbia


  • 2013 – 37 speakers, 94 applications
  • 2014 – 31 speakers, 80 applications
  • 2015 – 43 speakers, 171 applications
  • 2016 – 69 speakers, 223 applications
  • 2017 – 42 speakers, 310 applications
  • 2018 – 60 speakers, 374 applications

Participant countries:

  • 2014 – 51
  • 2015 – 52
  • 2016 – 68
  • 2017 – 79

The number of the participating countries is rising every year. People are coming from all around the world, not only Europe.

Countries watching the event’s live streaming:

  • 2016 – 82
  • 2017 – 77

Each edition brings new fun events:

  • 2013 – after party, contributor day
  • 2014 – color tags for sessions
  • 2015 – short talks, live stream, tribe meetups, speed networking
  • 2016 – childcare, after party chill zone, live captioning, unconference
  • 2017 – sponsor workshops
  • 2018 – workshops, open networking

The number of contributors has tripled since 2013.

The number of volunteers also tripled.

  • 2015 – 65
  • 2016 – 160
  • 2017 – 221

#WCEU organizers … it all started with just 11 people, now they are 57.

The organizers are grouped into 10 teams: Sponsors, Communications, Community, Attendee Services, Volunteers, Design, Public Relations, Content, Local, Photography.

This WordCamp Europe infographic was created by Themeisle with the help of #WCEU 2018 team
© 2018

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