Jetpack vs Wordfence: WordPress Security Plugin Comparison

Comparing Jetpack vs Wordfence is a challenge. Although both are security plugins, they approach the task of protecting your website very differently. Your experience using either plugin will vary a lot, and you'll get access to an array of different features depending on your choice. In this review we'll conduct a thorough overview to help you decide.

8 Revenue Streams for Online Business (Look Into These First)

If you're tech-savvy and want to make some money with your website, you'll be happy to learn that there are several lucrative revenue streams for online business owners that can boost your income. In this article, we're going to take a closer look at a few of them and explain how you can get in on the action with your online business or website.

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Image SEO: What It Is, Plus 8 Best Practices You Need to Know

Images are a great way to make your pages more appealing. However, you can get more value from them by applying some clever image SEO techniques. This way, you can make your content easier for search engines (and people) to find. In this tutorial we'll share eight different methods you can use right away.

5 Best WooCommerce Recommendation Engine Plugins in 2023

Search is one of the most important ways that customers find products on ecommerce websites. When you look up a product using site search, you'll get direct recommendations that often include images and show prices right away. WooCommerce doesn't enable this feature out of the box, but you can easily change that to create a WooCommerce recommendation engine - here's how!

Taglines for Websites! Get Them With ChatGPT in 3 Steps

Business taglines encapsulate what many businesses are about. However, coming up with taglines for websites can be incredibly challenging - well, at least it used to be. Nowadays, with the introduction of ChatGPT, tagline brainstorming has gotten a lot easier. In this tutorial we'll show you how to use this popular AI tool to generate some good taglines for websites.